About us
About us

As a company we believe that only through a sincere partnership with vendors, consumers, programs, and Regional Center staff will any attempts to coordinate transportation efforts be successful. Our core values guide all of our business decisions and operational processes. We work on Christian principles and our goal is to treat everyone with the respect they deserve.

Core Values
   Partnership: As a transportation broker we cannot be successful without the trusted relationships of the transportation vendors, programs, case managers, Regional Center executive staff, and most importantly, the consumers and their families.

   Specialized Services: We know transportation logistics, We understand the financial impact that transportation has on programs, consumers, and the Regional Center. Our primary goal is to get clients to and from their program on-time, based upon their individual needs. When realistic transportation schedules are maintained, programs can rely on consistent on-time arrival and departure times, thus assuring the consumers get the most from their program hours. We will provide transportation vendors routes and schedules that are efficient and realistic.

   Financial Viability: We strive to price our services fairly. We will provide you with a valuable service for a fair market price.

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